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Why Electric Vehicles Are Not As Popular As Expected

When electric vehicles were first revealed to the public, it seemed as though this new technology was going to completely dominate the market with heir environmental benefits and suave vibe. However, that didn’t happen. 

Here, we will explore some of the reasons that electric cars and other vehicles weren’t as popular as expected.

Lack Of Options

Foremost, when it comes to electric vehicles, there is nowhere near as much choice as there is when looking at traditional vehicles. There’s a limited variety of looks and styles, and this has turned some consumers away.


Another concern from consumers is the cost associated with electric vehicles. Not only are these cars typically more expensive than traditional options (by quite a bit), but there are also additional costs that need to be thought about.

These additional costs include things like software expenses and the price of maintenance Very few mechanics have experience with electric vehicle repair at the moment, and though this is changing gradually, those few mechanics who can do the work are enjoying being in such high demand that they are able to charge much more than they would for similar work on a traditional vehicle. 

Beyond these expenses, you also need to think about the cost of electricity and how that is going to factor into the total cost of the vehicle, especially as you’ll be charging your car at home sometimes.

 To better understand how these different costs compare, the car insurance comparison site Compare The Market has created the below graph. As you can see, the first few years of owning an electric vehicle are more expensive than other options. Over time, the gap between expenses closes until, eventually, hybrid vehicle costs surpass electrical vehicles at around four and a half years of ownership. Petrol-powered vehicles surpass the cost of electric cars somewhere between year twelve and thirteen.


Battery Charge Times

Another major concern for those looking into buying an electric vehicle is the time the battery takes to charge; no one wants to be stuck waiting at a random charging station while their vehicle charges up. There are several levels of electric vehicle charging that also need to be taken into consideration when choosing a model and the accompanying battery. It’s worth noting, however, that charging speed is one area that’s expected to improve in the near future.

Technological Advancement

As with all innovations, typically, the product improves over time. When electric vehicles were introduced to the world, some people may have decided to wait for a little while before making their purchase to give manufacturers time to perfect this relatively new technology.  This factor is expected to only slow down electric vehicle purchases in the short term. Already, it’s predicted that 30% of vehicle sales will be electric or hybrid by 2025.


Another concern that may be keeping people from purchasing electric vehicles is the lack of charging stations available, particularly in rural areas. Some cities are well set up for electric vehicles with enough charging stations that are close enough together that people don’t need to worry about becoming stranded with a dead battery. However, many places don’t have this infrastructure in place yet.

Grid Emissions

While electric vehicles tend to contribute fewer emissions overall compared to traditional vehicles, some consumers are still not pleased with the impact of these machines, particularly given the cost of the vehicles.

Even though there are a few reasons why electric vehicles aren’t taking off, there are many brilliant engineers and entrepreneurs who are working on eliminating many of these concerns for consumers.