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Vizibl Launches ‘Decarbonisation as a Service’

Vizibl, the world’s leading digital procurement platform for Supplier Collaboration and Innovation, today announces the launch of ‘Decarbonisation as a Service’.

Following on from COP27, where the UN Integrity Matters report called for increased legislation around enterprise emissions and an end to corporate greenwashing, Vizibl today announced general availability of its ‘Decarbonisation as a Service’ offering – helping customers to move quickly from measurement, and on to action.

The service enables Vizibl customers to get fast access to Vizibl’s existing supplier sustainability management solution, including pre-configured CDP and SBTi frameworks, for a cohort of suppliers that represent the vast majority of their Scope 3 emissions and to take these relationships into the wider Vizibl application – Supplier Relationship Manager, Supplier Collaboration Workspace and Supplier Innovation Hub. The offering also includes regular access to Vizibl’s expert enablement team, ensuring that our customers, and their suppliers, are supported at every stage of their journey to net zero.

The unique and powerful combination of tools and services enables organisations to align on sustainability targets, collaboratively problem solve with their supplier ecosystems, and leverage innovation to transform unsustainable categories.

Mark Perera, Vizibl CEO: “It’s likely that there is now only a 50% chance that we’ll limit global warming to the 1.5 degrees set out in the Paris Agreement, and this is driving mounting pressure for corporate emitters to commit to the Net Zero Standard. This pressure looks set to be followed by legislation. But we suspect the real emissions counts are being vastly under-reported, and as measurement and data quality improve, most organisations are likely to see an increase in their scope 3 GHG emissions.

“Whilst it’s important to understand that absolute emissions might go up before they come down, what is not acceptable is the claim that measurement equates to action. Currently, over 80 per cent of global emissions are covered by net-zero pledges, and yet we are peering over the precipice of 1.5 degree warming. The claims that these emissions are under management is greenwashing, and that has to be rooted out and turned into real, tangible action.

“Decarbonisation as a Service is the best way you can get started today.”

The sheer scale of scope 3 means we are unlikely to meet our shared goals without meaningfully addressing our value chain emissions. Scope 3 includes emissions from all business travel and employee commuting, all purchased goods and services, all transportation and distribution both up- and downstream, all investments, all leased assets, waste disposal, and any emissions generated in the use of sold products and services.

With that in mind, it’s no surprise that best existing estimates place scope 3 emissions somewhere between 80% and 97% of total emissions for a large business, and for the average large consumer company, 80% of total emissions will sit in the upstream supply chain.

Much like with scopes 1 and 2, many businesses have already begun tackling the areas of scope 3 they can more easily influence. This includes initiatives to reduce employee business travel, implement more effective waste management processes, or establish cycle-to-work schemes that reduce commuting emissions.

The areas that sit further outside of the control of the organisation have received comparatively little attention, by contrast, as external stakeholders are more difficult to influence. As a result, businesses will face an uphill battle to make meaningful reductions when the tide of regulation and legislation turns to make scope 3 reporting and action mandatory.

According to CDP, the clearest differentiator between corporate responders in 2023 will be through their initiatives and collaborations with suppliers on reducing scope 3 emissions in the value chain.

Vizibl is a Silver Accredited Solutions Provider and partner with CDP; the only software company to cover value chain engagement, scope 3 services, and stakeholder engagement. As a result of our relationship, the Vizibl platform contains verified CDP score data for all responding organisations. This data is built into DaaS as an out-of-the-box framework where you can quickly see all your suppliers’ disclosure scores for 2022, and use that to start taking action on absolute or relative scope 3 emissions reductions.

To learn more about Decarbonisation as a Service from Vizibl, visit, or schedule a demo here.