Transport Management
Transport Management and Technology, Distribution Management, Freight, Vehicle Routing & Scheduling Software and Load Planning.Upcoming Peoplesafe webinar: Protecting lone workers in transport & logistics
Peoplesafe is holding a free webinar to provide guidance on protecting lone workers in the road transport and logistics sector. The online event will be held on Wednesday 28th April at 10.30am GMT and will discuss the threats facing drivers and other vulnerable staff; the legal responsibilities of businesses working within the supply chain; and the steps needed to safeguard those working alone.
“Employers within the logistics, road transport and home delivery sectors have a legal and moral duty of care to protect their staff and minimise the risks they face,” explains Naz Dossa, CEO of Peoplesafe. “With many operating alone, the dangers employees face every day are considerable, so lone worker protection needs to be a top priority. Our informative webinar is designed to provide useful advice on how best to protect these essential workers and meet duty of care commitments.”
Highjackings, assaults and roadside incidents are just some of the risks faced by delivery drivers when exiting the vehicle, with organised gangs and opportunistic thieves increasingly targeting HGVs and vans carrying high-value loads. Meanwhile accidents – such as slips, trips and falls – or other medical emergencies remain a constant threat to employee wellbeing, especially when working alone in isolated areas or out of hours.
“The risks faced by delivery drivers and other vulnerable staff are growing and very real. These employees, who play such a crucial role within the supply chain, deserve peace of mind that they are safe from any threat when they are working, and should the worst happen, someone is on hand to come to their aid. Employee protection and welfare should be an important consideration for any road transport and logistics operation, so an effective lone worker culture is critical and cannot be ignored,” concludes Dossa.
For further details or to book a place at the Protecting Lone Workers in Transport & Logistics webinar visit