Transport Management
Transport Management and Technology, Distribution Management, Freight, Vehicle Routing & Scheduling Software and Load Planning.Transport Market Monitor: Double-digit increase in available transport capacity in November
The TMM brings together data from up to 150,000 road-bound freight orders across all industries, which are processed monthly over the spot market by Transporeon, Europe’s number one for cloud-based transportation logistics services. Via an index, the anonymized data coming from Transporeon, is displayed on a timeline and placed in charts for easy comparisons.
”A glance at the TMM shows that transport market prices and capacities tend to develop in line with 2018 over the year. However, transport prices remain above the level observed last year. Worryingly, the available transport capacity has increased again in some key industries. This indicates further cuts in production, but for sure a lower utilization of industrial plants. In the automotive industry, for example, the growth in available transport capacity continued in double digits in November”, says Oliver Kahrs, Managing Director of Tim Consult, a subsidiary of Transporeon.
The high availability of free cargo space in the automotive sector accurately reflects the current problems in the industry: German car manufacturers produced eight percent fewer passenger cars at their domestic locations in November than in the same month last year. Their exports to customers around the world fell by ten percent compared to November 2018, while these exports from plants in Germany since the beginning of the year decreased by 13 percent compared to the same period in 2018 (Source: German Association of the Automotive Industry / VDA).
Monthly development of price and capacity index (December 2017 to November 2019)
Compared to other industry indices, the TMM is based on market data from real transports, which are processed monthly by Transporeon, Europe’s number one for cloud-based transportation logistics services. The TMM offers shippers and logistics service providers market transparency in a unique breadth and depth and ensures precise and valid insights into developments in the transport market (source: Transporeon / Tim Consult).
Webinar on the current development of prices and capacities in the transport market
Oliver Kahrs, Managing Director of Tim Consult, provides market participants monthly detailed information on the current development of transport market prices and capacities in a 15-minute English-language webinar. Interested market participants can register for free to participate. The next webinar will take place on December 17.