Transport Management

Transport Management and Technology, Distribution Management, Freight, Vehicle Routing & Scheduling Software and Load Planning.

Transporeon backs Eco Performance Award 2020

The Eco Performance Award (EPA), Europe’s leading prize for sustainability in commercial road freight transport, opens its competition for 2020 – Transporeon joins as premium partner. Among the jury member is Peter Förster, one of Transporeon’s founders.

EPA 2020 is granted to companies in the transport and logistics industry who prove that economic, ecologic and social sustainability are mutually beneficial.

  • High-level jury members honour innovative companies that have distinguished themselves in the market and have shown prove points in already implemented projects.


The Eco Performance Award 2020 is presented to three different types of companies in three different categories: large enterprises, small and medium-sized firms, and start-ups. In this 13th edition, the award places a particular focus on the digital support within the already implemented projects – proof of concept is mandatory. A special price for innovation goes to the “transformer of the year”.

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Stölzle, president of EPA’s jury and Executive Director ISCM-HSG at the Institute for Supply Chain Management, University St. Gallen, said: “Even in times of the corona-crisis, we should not forget that an ecologically sustainable development remains our top priority. I am therefore very glad that the Eco Performance Award 2020 is opening the competition as planned. We welcome our new premium partner Transporeon joining our common efforts for sustainability!

Transporeon CEO Stephan Sieber outlined: Transporeon is delighted to become a premium partner of EPA 2020, a renown prize in the field of sustainable transport. Especially, because we both believe in the idea of combining business, environment and society. We connect shippers and carriers to reduce the number of empty runs. This allows them to decrease their freight costs by up to 19%, enables more efficient transportation and thus ultimately reduces their CO2 footprint!”