Warehouse Management

Warehouse Management (WMS) Systems & Software, picking, Third party logistics, Inventory control, TMS, YMS, Cross docking, Virtual Warehouse and Web based WMS for optimal stock control in the warehouse.

Successful go-live of MSMD Logistik’s inconsoWMS in Bayreuth

MSMD Logistik GmbH, the logistics service provider of the medical device manufacturer medi GmbH & Co. KG, has completed the expansion and optimization of its central logistics center in Bayreuth. This included the expansion of existing building sections and integration of a shuttle warehouse with picking and packing areas, a retrofit of existing conveyor components and the seamless integration of all components. The warehouse management system inconsoWMS from the logistics software specialist inconso takes over the superordinate logistic control of the modernized plant.

The go-live of the software components consisted of two stages and included the connection of the new plant that includes a four-aisle shuttle system with 26 levels and six efficient picking locations. “The go-live was a success and MSMD Logistik can now support and secure the long-term growth of the medi Group,” emphasizes Dieter Kramer, Head of Logistics. “Through the implementation of the shuttle warehouse, it was possible to increase the technical system output to 2,800 double cycles per day. This alone is a significant increase in efficiency. In addition, there are picking strategies that increased the performance in this area by a factor of 6.”

After the successful implementation of inconsoWMS, further add-ons of the inconso Logistics Suite were integrated. These include the shipping & dispatch system inconsoSDS, which was used to optimize shipping processing in cooperation with various CEP service providers. Another special feature is the interaction between inconsoSDS and the UPS World Ease module that is fully integrated and supports exports to the USA and corresponding customs processes. The accounting module inconsoLSA provides additional support during the documentation of all logistics services rendered.

Now that the new system landscape has gone live, MSMD Logistik can access a platform solution that can be flexibly adapted to existing and future requirements. Even more important, however, is the holistic overview of all workflows that can be used to develop effective omnichannel strategies now and in the future.


About medi and MSMD Logistik

With its products and supply concepts, medi is one of the leading manufacturers of medical devices. Approximately 2,400 employees worldwide substantially contribute to making people feel better. The product range includes medical compression stockings, adaptive compression fittings, bandages, orthoses, thrombosis prophylaxis stockings, compression clothing and shoe inserts. Furthermore, the company has over 65 years of experience in compression technology and draws on it in developing sports and fashion products under the CEP and ITEM m6 brands. The company supplies its products to over 90 countries worldwide with an international network of distributors and its own branch offices. All logistics in Bayreuth are handled by MSMD Logistik.