Transport Management
Transport Management and Technology, Distribution Management, Freight, Vehicle Routing & Scheduling Software and Load Planning.PTV turns 40: World market leader with a start-up mentality
Founded in 1979 as a spin-off of today’s KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), PTV can look back on numerous innovations and important milestones. In the early 1980s, the software provider developed the world’s first PC-based route optimisation program. Today, more than 30 million routes per day are optimised with PTV software, and more than 2,500 cities around the world rely on PTV solutions.
“Over the past four decades, we have built a strong international reputation in this field. As world market leader, we cover all facets of transport and traffic – a unique selling point in the industry,” explains Vincent Kobesen, CEO of PTV Group.
Porsche Automobil Holding SE, that has acquired PTV in 2017, is also impressed by the company’s enormous market potential. Board member Philipp von Hagen says: “Efficient mobility has a significant impact on the economic performance and attractiveness of a location. PTV’s technologies and models play a central role in strategic decisions relating to transport and logistics.”
As an internationally acknowledged partner, PTV provides decision-makers with the right tools, enabling them to provide future-proof mobility concepts and solutions. For example, in Australia, PTV software is the heart of Sydney’s new state-of-the-art traffic management system. And in Europe, PTV technology is used for the development of the European transport model, which encompasses all passenger transport and freight movements across Europe. But also PTV’s home region appreciates the company’s innovative solutions. Together with the City of Karlsruhe and its Mayor Dr. Frank Mentrup, the company is working on further advancing Karlsruhe’s visibility as a model region for mobility.
“With trends such as Mobility as a Service and Autonomous Driving, the mobility sector is facing major upheavals. It is increasingly becoming a global challenge to move people and cargo economically, safely and with environmental awareness. We provide the right tools to meet these challenges,” says Vincent Kobesen. “But this also means that we are not resting on our 40 years of experience in transport and logistics. We will continue to work very hard, with enthusiasm and passion, to shape the mobility of the future. And with our start-up mentality, we will continue to hit the ground running.”