Transport Management
Transport Management and Technology, Distribution Management, Freight, Vehicle Routing & Scheduling Software and Load Planning.Optimized Transport Logistics: SIG Germany Relies on inconso Solutions
SIG Germany, a leading supplier for system building materials with a nationwide network of companies and branch offices, has about 1,300 employees. Within this network, this supplier finished the implementation of an innovative solution for transport management and shipment tracking to optimize the planning and control of transport and delivery activities across locations. The result: Interactive planning tools, optimization of transport processing and digital proof of delivery including the exact location via a mobile app.
Using agile methods, SIG Germany worked in close cooperation with the logistics software specialist inconso in developing and realizing this project. In 2018, the trial run was successfully completed. Since then, SIG Germany has had access to inconsoS/TPS, an SAP based application for planning and controlling the transport of sales orders, deliveries, relocations and returns for single and multi-level transport chains. The delivery process was completely digitized: With a cloud solution developed by inconso that generates a proof of delivery including the exact location. The driver app enables the confirmation of delivery notes on the header or item level including time stamps and image documents and thereby ensures complete end-to-end mapping of the delivery process. The process also considers the requirements of returnable goods and empties processing, which are declared as so-called packaging materials, i.e. Euro, GK or FC pallets, at SIG Germany. Exchange processes are handled via the app and the resulting data is provided in the process.
In preparation for the cross-location rollout, workshops were held to teach all employees how to use the integrated order processing and mobile app. They featured on-the-job training to practice using the app in daily operations and to minimize any fear of using modern technology and devices.