Aerospace & Defence

Aerospace manufacturer’s software covering the design, development, production, testing and sale of aircraft, space vehicles, rockets and missiles, together with related parts and equipment.

One Network Enterprises Announces an Enterprise Resource Planning system for International Defense Organizations

One Network Enterprises ( (ONE), the leading global provider of
intelligent control towers and the Digital Supply Chain Network™, is pleased to announce the release of its NEO Defense Enterprise Solution. The solution is an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system uniquely designed for international defense organizations and military operations around the world.

Powered by ONE’s NEO platform, the solution optimizes and combines logistical support across all military groups, supply classes, and operational tiers in both enterprise and disconnected contexts. Functions ranging from purchase to deployment to financial reporting are available, and the solutions have already achieved some of the highest audit results.

The NEO Defense Enterprise Solution is unlike any other commercial software solution deployed for Defense. The solution offers a set of defense-related modules focused on providing vital defense capabilities that are organically coupled with transformational commercial capabilities and offered as an integrated solution. Deployments are supported by One Network’s “Never Legacy” program, supporting the deployed solution as COTS. This guarantees that the implementation will never go legacy and is
kept current and up to date, allowing our defense customers to take advantage of modernizations as they choose.

In addition to over 300 organic applications, the solution natively supports key defense capabilities such as management of munitions and guided weapons, food service, bulk fuels, medical supplies, and sparing across supply, transportation, and maintenance functions.

“This solution is unique and different from traditional ERPs that are not organically built to support Defense,” said Greg Brady, founder and executive chairman of ONE. “Traditional ERPs require significant custom code with support agreements separate from the software. Once modules are modified, modernization is difficult and expensive. Customers get stuck with old releases and big costs to upgrade. And in many cases, customers are “stuck” with “how the software works out of the box”, resulting in a sub-optimal deployment and poor stakeholder adoption.”

The NEO Defense Enterprise Solution is in production today, managing end-to-end munitions operations for both the US Air Force and US Marine Corps as their Accountable Property System of Record (APSR).