Transport Management

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North Sea Collision: Port Call History – The SOLONG / Stena Immaculate

It has been widely reported that on Monday, 10 March 2025 a collision occurred between the oil tanker, Stena Immaculate, and the cargo ship SOLONG in the North Sea. Pole Star Global provides maritime intelligence technology – its Podium platform provides voyage monitoring, reporting, analysis, and optimisation, and it has these initial facts to share about the Stena Immaculate’s and the SOLONG’s safety management certificate, and their recent port call history (found below).

Additionally, it is worth pointing out that Pole Star Global’s data reports that there have been no concerns with Stena Immaculate’s vessel flag, management, or ownership structures. However, periods of non-AIS reporting were flagged between 25th May 2023 and 28th May 2023 (two days). During this time, the vessel was at the port of Flushing (NLVLI).

Capt. Steve Bomgardner, VP of Shipping & Offshore at Pole Star Global says: “The SOLONG vessel incident is yet another tragic reminder of the failures in maritime training and oversight. In an industry where lives, security, and global trade are at stake, there is no excuse for incompetence or negligence. It is time for a standardised, global maritime personnel database to ensure that only qualified, properly vetted individuals are entrusted with our seas. Without accountability and transparency, we will continue to see disasters that could have been prevented.”


The SOLONG Cargo Ship: Port Call History

The vessel has a valid Safety Management Certificate, issued on 17th September 2021.

At the time of the incident, on 10 March 2025, the SOLONG was travelling from the port of Grangemouth (GBGRG), United Kingdom, to Rotterdam (NLRTM), Netherlands.

In the year leading up to this accident (10th March 2024 – 10th March 2025), the SOLONG travelled between ports in the Netherlands (Port of Rotterdam – NLRTM) and the United Kingdom (Hull – GBHUL, Grangemouth – GBGRG, and Tilbury – GBTIL).

Prior to these dates, the SOLONG operated between ports in Spain (Barcelona – ESBCN), travelling through the English Channel and the Strait of Gibraltar. The vessel also visited Slovenia (e.g. Koper – SIKOP), Ireland (Dublin Marine Terminal – IEMTL), Belgium (Antwerp – BEANR), and Portugal (Lisbon – PTLIS).

Looking at the ship’s movement history, ownership, and management structures, there is no cause for concern. The only issue flagged was a period of non-AIS reporting between 23rd September 2024 – 27th September 2024 (for a period of four days). During this time, the ship was travelling from Schiedam – NLSCIin the Netherlands to Rotterdam – NLRTM, anchoring in between at Scheveningen – NLSCEA2.


The Stena Immaculate: Port Call History

The Stena Immaculate held a valid Safety Management Certificate issued on 20 January 2024.

At the time of the incident on 10 March 2025, the Stena Immaculate was travelling from Agioi Theodoroi (GRAGT), Greece, to Killingholme (GBKGH), United Kingdom, anchoring near Grimsby (GBGSYA2), and transiting through the Gibraltar Strait (STR-AA5), the English Channel (CHA-341), and the Strait of Dover (STR-CA8).

Vessel Movement History for the time period: 10 March 2024 – 10 March 2025

During this period, the Stena Immaculate travelled between:

Greece – Stopping at ports Agioi Theodoroi (GRAGT), Souda (GRSDH), and anchorages near Kinosoura Shipyard (GR0CAA1) and Agioi Theodoroi (GRAGTA1).

Spain –   Stopping at ports Rota (ESROT), anchorage near Muelle De Crinavis (ESSRQA1), anchoring near Rota 1 and 2 (ESROTA1/2), and transit through the Gibraltar Strait (STR-AA5).

France –  Stopping at ports Lavera (FRLAV) and anchorage near Fos (FRFOSA1).

Nigeria –  Stopping at ports Lagos (NGLOS), and Aa Rano Terminal – NGLA675 – and anchorage near Lome (TGLFWA1).

Togo – Anchoring near Lome (TGLFWA1).

Cyprus –  Stopping at ports Vassiliko Bay (CYVAS) and anchorage near Vasilikos (CYVASA2).

Algeria – Stopping at ports Skikda (DZSKI).

United States – Stopping at ports Galveston (USGLS), New Haven (USHVN), and Providence (USPVD), with anchorages near Galveston (USGLSA6), Brooklyn (USBOYA4), Leonardo 4 and 6 (USDOJA4/6), and New Haven (USHVNA1), transiting through the Strait of Florida (STR-F1C).

Norway – Mongstad (NOMNON).

Netherlands – Stopping at port Europoort   (NLEUR) and Rotterdam (NLRTM) and anchorage near Scheveningen (NLSCEA2).

Prior to 2024-2025, additional movements included:

Slovenia – Stopping at port Koper (SIKOP) and anchorage near Koper (SIKOPA4).

Turkey –  Stopping at ports Izmir (TRIZM), Mersin (TRMER), and various anchorages including Istanbul Airport Fuel Supply Port (TR26AA2), Kumport (TRKMXA1), and transits through the Bosporus Strait (STR-596).

Romania –  Stopping at port Constantza (ROCND) and anchorage near Constanța (ROCNDA1).

Egypt – Stopping at port Alexandria (EGALY), anchorages near El Iskandariya (EGALYA1) and As Suways (EGSUZA5), transiting the Bab el-Mandeb Strait (STR-D5B) and the Malacca Strait (STR-2D4).

Italy – Stopping at port Augusta (ITAUG).

Georgia – Batumi (GEBUS).

Singapore – Stopping at port Sembawang Shipyard (SG037BC), anchorage near Changi (SGB9EA1).

Malaysia – Stopping at port Pasir Gudang (MYPGU), anchorage near Pengerang (MYPGGA1), transit through the Malacca Strait (STR-2D4), and Kuantan (MYKUA).

Indonesia – Port Wilmar Pelintung (IDRI270), transit through the Malacca Strait (STR-2D4).

India – Haldia (INHAL), anchorage near Dhamra (INDMQA2).

Bangladesh – Anchorages near Chittagong (BDCGPA1) and Matarbari (BD343A1).

South Africa – Anchorage near Port Elizabeth (ZAPLZA1).

Brazil – Stopping at port Paranaguá (BRPNG) and anchorage near Paranaguá (BRPNGA4).

Argentina – Stopping at port Timbúes (ARTIM), Campana (ARCMP), and multiple anchorages near La Plata (ARLPGA4), Gnl Escobar (AR864A3), Puerto Alumbrera (ARPALAI), and Islote Del Doradito (ARAE8A2).

Uruguay – Anchoring at Piriápolis (UYPIRA1).

What is more Pole Star Global’s data reports that there have been no concerns with Stena Immaculate’s vessel flag, management, or ownership structures. However, periods of non-AIS reporting were flagged between 25th May 2023 and 28th May 2023 (two days). During this time, the vessel was at the port of Flushing (NLVLI).

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