Transport Management

Transport Management and Technology, Distribution Management, Freight, Vehicle Routing & Scheduling Software and Load Planning.

Krone sales team grows again as demand stays strong

As demand for Krone trailers and parts reaches new heights across a wide section of commercial transport sectors, two key appointments have been made to further strengthen the UK/Ireland sales team.

Dan Edwards joins as Area Sales Manager, Northeast and Northeast Scotland. With 27 years spanning national and technical sales roles, 11 in trailers and 16 in trailer running gear, he brings a wealth of trailer product experience.

Rob Morris, joins as Area Sales Manager, East Midlands and East Anglia, bringing 37 years’ experience in the CV industry. Starting as a CV workshop technician and then progressing into key sales positions, predominantly in truck & trailer contract hire, Rob is well versed in both OEM sales and asset management.

“We’re delighted to welcome Rob and Dan to the team” says Managing Director, Fran Pickering. “Their extensive experience and knowledge of the CV transport industry will prove invaluable, as Krone continues to go from strength to strength in the UK and Ireland.”

As a daughter company of Krone Commercial Vehicle Group, Krone Trailer UK provides a full range of semi-trailers and parts, supported by a network of service and repair agents in the UK and Ireland. The company will be exhibiting at MultiModal, NEC and Road Transport Expo, Stoneleigh, in June.