Software applications that streamline and automate business processes throughout the supply chain to improve planning, optimise inventory levels, reduce costs, and respond quickly to changes in customer and supplier demand.Focus on line & automations solutions for proteins and fresh produce
Mid April sees the start of the second round of events, focusing on all aspects of food processing and packaging, as part of the MULTIVAC Summit 2021. On the agenda are once again two groups of topics: “Expertise in lines and automation in the protein sector” and “Packaging solutions for fresh produce and convenience products”. All interested customers and representatives from the food industry will initially be able to learn “virtually” (from 12 April), and later (from 26 April) in corona-compliant face-to-face events, about all aspects of current developments and future trends.
As with the first sequence of events in March, the technical presentations and individual discussions with experts, as well as the practical live demonstrations, will take place in either the morning or afternoon, initially as “virtual” live sessions. Both groups of topics can be combined with each other. The location for the face-to-face events (from 26 April) is once again the new Application Center or the Training & Innovation Center at the Group’s headquarters in Wolfertschwenden. From May onwards, the contents of these sessions will also be available on the MULTIVAC City platform.
- Expertise in lines and automation: Proteins
The focus of this event is primarily on the efficient processing and packaging of proteins. MULTIVAC will be using the example of a fully automatic line for the slicing and packaging of processed cheese to demonstrate its comprehensive expertise in automation, and this complete line will be shown in live operation. The high-output S 1600 slicer, which sets the benchmark in the market with its innovative slicing technology and high level of precision, is just one of the very efficient components of the line.
The MULTIVAC Centrifuge Feeder for the automatic loading of sausages will also be presented. It ensures that straight or even slightly curved sausages are aligned to the optimum degree, so that they can be easily picked up by a robot and placed in the pack cavities.
MULTIVAC, as the complete packaging expert, will also be providing information about innovative solutions for reliable labelling and marking, as well as label and print inspection of the packs. The focus will be on cross web labelling and direct web printing.
MULTIVAC Line Control will also demonstrate the benefits, which a central, overarching line control can offer in the increasingly complex production and packaging process. Thanks to this centralised control of the line, all the line modules can be managed simply and reliably, ensuring that an efficient product flow is achieved.
- Solutions for fresh produce and convenience products
The focus in this second topic is on the packaging of fruit, vegetables and convenience products. How can the shelf life of delicate products be extended? How can the consumption of packaging material be reduced? Which sustainable packaging concepts does MULTIVAC offer specifically for these products? And how can pots and cylindrical or shaped bottles be labelled flexibly and efficiently? These and other questions will be answered in presentations and live demonstrations in the Training & Innovation Center.
- Additional topics for both groups
One topic with special relevance for virtually all companies is digitalisation. The expert contributors will use their presentations to explain, why digital solutions are of such value – particularly at the current time. The focus will be directed not only on current developments in the market, but also on the range of digital products from MULTIVAC. In addition to the myMULTIVAC customer portal, there is also a range of MULTIVAC Smart Services available to customers, and these make a major contribution to a high level of efficiency, machine availability and process reliability. The program will be rounded off with information about after-sales support, as well as with “Meet the experts” discussions, which offer customers the opportunity of discussing their individual questions with the specialists from the Innovation Center.
The series of events will be continued in the coming months with “Solutions for the meat processing industry” (TVI), “Solutions for small and medium-sized companies or businesses producing hand-crafted products”, as well as “Solutions for bakery companies” (FRITSCH).