Supply Chain (SCM/SCE)
Supply Chain Management (SCM) Software, Supply Chain Optimisation, Supply Chain Execution, hardware transport, supply-chain, distribution software, freight software and load planning in manufacturing and supply chain applications.Fetim Group Improves Productivity with Infor
Infor, a global leader in business cloud software specialized by industry, today announced that Fetim Group, a Dutch construction and home decor leader, is using an Infor benchmark of 800 world-leading companies to improve its processes and workflows. For this benchmark, Infor collected data from global manufacturing and distribution companies on how they operate. Analyzing and comparing this data has helped Fetim improve productivity and workflow efficiency. Further, Fetim is playing an active role as an advisory group member to improve Infor’s software and to help it better align with customer needs.
Fetim’s IT architecture is built on the best-of-class principle, and the company already uses Infor CloudSuite Distribution Enterprise, based on the Infor M3 ERP (enterprise resource planning) application and Infor CloudSuite Configure Price Quote (CPQ) a digital portal to improve the customer buying experience. It is currently rolling out Infor CRM and the acclaimed Infor Nexus to realize an online real-time collaboration platform to help improve cooperation with suppliers and to maximize the reliability of the supply chain. Integration with other applications, such as a third-party warehouse management system, is handled by Infor OS, a hybrid cloud platform that brings together business processes, integration and artificial intelligence (AI). The next step in Fetim’s digitalization process will be deployment of Infor Coleman to add AI across the platform.
“We chose Infor very consciously because of their micro-vertical approach that increases efficiency; it comes with in depth knowledge of our industry” said Fetim Group’s IT director Frans Beerkens. “It is an absolutely unique proposition that offers us incredible added value and allows us to meet our type of customers’ needs and wishes. Also, with this benchmark, Infor can show their customer focus, uniqueness and innovation.”
On Fetim’s advisory role, he said: “For Infor to directly involve companies that know what is happening in the market, and know what customers want, is smart. I can spot trends and bring the challenges I’m struggling with to the Infor table. What makes the micro-vertical counsel meetings so valuable and unique is that the people who are truly responsible for product development, actually take part in these meetings. I don’t see that anywhere else. Furthermore, it keeps the continuous feedback on the progress of our input and demands member companies are engaged and active. Customers like ours can be part of the solution and shape the roadmap for development priorities.”
Being able to influence the functionality included in newer versions of Infor’s industry CloudSuites based on Infor M3 helps Fetim make only a minimal number of modifications and quickly achieve standardized processes. Through the counsel meetings, Fetim found, for instance, ways to deal with its questions on pricing science and the rise of e-commerce.
The home furnishing and decor market has seen radical change in the past ten years. An increase in online shopping, combined with globalization, has dramatically changed the dominant role of the retailers that were once Fetim’s core market, whilst opening substantial opportunities for ecommerce sales. Fetim moved its applications to the cloud to help it respond with more agility to these changes and leave it to focus on its own product innovation and rapidly developing distribution channels. Thanks to Fetim’s move to the cloud, the group was able to outsource all hardware and its datacenter and to profit from Amazon Web Services’ security layer. Infor CloudSuite Distribution Enterprise also offers opportunities to improve, accelerate and change Fetim’s way of working by building a best-in-class environment.
“Companies such as Fetim play a valuable role for Infor in making world-leading, industry-specific software solutions that address the requirements and needs of customers,” said Cormac Watters, Infor’s general manager for international. “Their input, feedback and questions help to make new software releases and our cloud service better. As an innovation leader, we know the importance of being able to operate smartly and efficiently based on data science. That’s why we help companies leverage data to improve their performances.”
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