Industry Talk

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Fax machines – a chance for organisations to rethink document management

The news of Ofcom removing fax services under the Universal Service Order (USO) legislation presents an opportunity for government and healthcare services to rethink their approaches to document management and paper-based processes. Traditionally, fax machines were an office staple, enabling paper-based processes management and cross-organisation communication, but in the age of post-digital transformation and hybrid working, it’s clear that their place in the workspace is questionable.

 However, according to a recent Quocirca report, just 42% of organisations are trying to move to a less-paper environment, with only 1% of organisations being truly paperless. This suggests that paper remains an important part of businesses processes, despite digital transformation taking over.

Going paperless clearly isn’t an option in the near future, and so organisations must look for solutions that bridge the gap between productivity and security, all while maintaining efficient workflows. This is where scanning technology can help, as it enables the digitisation of files as soon as they come through the door. Not only does this mean that physical documents can be safely transferred online, but they can also be managed and controlled in an efficient manner, reducing the chance of error, or misplacement or falling into the wrong hands.