AI & IoT

Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Internet of Things (IoT)

Eurotech forges Partnership with GlobalSign to Extend IIoT Security with Solid Device Attestation to a New Level

Eurotech, a company that designs, develops, and deploys hardware and software solutions for the Edge and Internet of Things (IoT), and GlobalSign, a leading security certificate authority and provider of identity solutions, today announced a collaboration to embed strong verifiable device identities and proof of integrity at the earliest possible point in the industrial IoT supply chain.

Device identity management throughout the lifecycle of a product is technically complex and challenging in its implementation for many organizations. It makes effective device identity management a substantial factor in the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of secure IoT infrastructures.

By leveraging and integrating industry standards and best practices, the solution builds on the root-of-trust provided by Infineon’s OPTIGA™ Trusted Platform Module (TPM) installed in Eurotech’s IoT Edge Computing platforms, data loggers and IoT gateways. As a device manufacturer, Eurotech builds on this solid foundation by adding an Initial Device Identifier (IDevID), a secure, unique certificates-based identity to the device, leveraging the cryptographic and secure storage capabilities of the TPM. As an essential first step in the supply chain, this process attests the identity and can be further extended to ensure the integrity of the manufactured Eurotech device, including the software stack it is delivered with.

“A strong and protected (IoT) device identity, is a foundation building block for secure IoT solutions,” comments Robert Andres, CSO of Eurotech. “In GlobalSign, we found a capable and competent security partner to develop technology and processes. This allows our customers and partners to effectively implement and leverage hardware-anchored digital device identities at scale.”

“Provisioning IoT device identities during manufacturing is the best possible example of security by design,” says Lancen LaChance, Vice President, IoT Solutions, GlobalSign. “A Eurotech device with an embedded GlobalSign identity protects the lifecycle of each device as well as the entire supply chain. It reduces common integration challenges and delivers secure authentication for low-touch cloud enrollment.”

Customers and system integration partners can already engage with Eurotech about this offering, on a per-project basis, with the first standard products planned to be offered in Q2 of this year.