Print & Label
RFID label, Thermal Transfer Label and Barcode Printers, Star Ticket Printers, barcode generation software, POS Printers and Networked Thermal Printers, including mobile labelling technology and mobile printer applications.Domino Supports Vital Sectors in Current Crisis
Domino Printing Sciences (Domino), headquartered in Cambridge, UK, is demonstrating its commitment to supporting its customers in vital sectors in the current COVID-19 crisis – in order to maintain supply chains in the face of soaring demand for essential products.
Since the start of the Coronavirus outbreak, Domino has seen a significant global rise in demand for its printing equipment, inks, consumables, spares, and service support from manufacturers in key sectors such as Healthcare, Pharmaceutical, Medical Devices, and Food and Beverage.
Customers use Domino equipment to comply with Government and industry regulations in these sectors, as well as printing date and batch/traceability codes onto individual products, cases, and pallets. Without these, companies would be unable to manufacture or ship their products through their supply chains to pharmacies, hospitals, supermarkets, and other retailers.
Carl Haycock, Domino’s Operations Director and Global Head of Health and Safety and Manufacturing Excellence, said: “Our staff have risen to the challenge brilliantly. All office personnel are now working from home, and in terms of our production team, any people at high risk are self-isolating. We are communicating daily with our employees globally to update them on safety best practice and providing support to help those adapting to working from home or in self-isolation.
“We have also put in place a number of controls to minimise exposure for those coming into our manufacturing operation. This includes no visitors, workstations which respect the social distancing recommendations of two metres, and strict adherence to hygiene measures in line with the official Government guidelines in each of our countries of operation.
“We are fortunate in being able to respond smartly to the evolving situation as we have an agile supply chain with key assembly hubs close to our markets from which customers can be supplied with short lead-times. We are also able to hold significant stock of strategic items.”
Robert Pulford, Domino’s CEO added: “This is a hugely challenging time for us all and I am extremely proud of our teams who are working to support customers in the essential sectors which need to function well to get through this crisis. We will continue to put our employees’ health first and will adapt all our working practices to ensure we can both protect our teams and keep the world’s manufacturers running to provide us all with the vital supplies we need.”