Software applications relating to the healthcare supply chain which promote the effective management of supply chain resources.Can Your Business Afford To Ignore Mental Health In The Workplace?
- Mental health issues now affect 1 in 6 UK workers.
- 91 million workdays are lost in the UK due to symptoms of mental health problems.
- The cost to employers is approx. £34.9 billion each year.
- This equals £1,300 for every employee in the UK workforce.
- The Department of Work and Pensions estimates that around 300,000 people with a long-term mental health problem will lose their jobs each year.
Looking at these statistics, there are two questions that every employer in this country should currently be asking themselves: How can I best support my employees to proactively minimise the impact of mental ill health on their work and life AND can my business really afford not to support my employees with wellbeing strategies? Accelerator Solutions, the award-winning training provider, believes companies simply cannot afford to ignore the increasingly significant issue of mental health. Not only from a productivity/profitability point of view, but best practice employers also have a duty to act as pioneers in helping to bridge the gap between how people think and how they act regarding mental health issues in the workplace.
In response to these concerns, Accelerator has translated its extensive experience in providing professional workplace training into the field of mental health. As a licensee for Mental Health for England, they are now able to offer an accredited two-day Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) certified training course for groups and individuals. This certified training is a mix of presentation, activity and group work based around the MHFA action plan. It is delivered by one of the leaders in this field, Nina Maan, who is a multi-award-winning Trainer and licensed Mental Health Instructor.
Henry Hopkins, Managing Director of Accelerator Solutions Ltd comments: “UK employers are gradually waking up to the fact that mental health problems in the workplace are a significant issue. They are now realising that they have an important role to play in supporting employees to make mental health first aid as equally important as physical first aid in the workplace.”
Henry continues: “Our aim here at Accelerator is to make Mental Health First Aid training accessible to companies of all sizes. By investing in these courses, employers will assist their staff with being able to identify, understand and help a colleague who may be experiencing a mental health crisis – this empathic action may even be able to help to prevent the crisis altogether. And of course, providing MHFA training will also have significant business benefits in terms of decreasing the impact of mental health issues on factors such as productivity and profitability”.
The next two-day MHFA ‘open course’ that Accelerator Solutions is offering takes place in London on the 25th and 26th June, led by Nina Maan. Places are booking fast – full details of the course content and how to book can be found by clicking here.
Accelerator also offers in-house MHFA training courses for larger groups from the same organisation and can be contacted at: