Warehouse Management

Warehouse Management (WMS) Systems & Software, picking, Third party logistics, Inventory control, TMS, YMS, Cross docking, Virtual Warehouse and Web based WMS for optimal stock control in the warehouse.

Berger Contract Logistics optimizes logistics services with IT solutions from inconso

Berger Contract Logistics GmbH commissioned the logistics software specialist inconso to implement a warehouse management system for its multiuser warehouse in Erfurt. On the 100,000 m2 premises, Berger Contract Logistics handles logistics services for third-party customers, including procurement and distribution logistics for wines and spirits for Mack & Schühle AG. The implementation of the modern solution based on inconsoWMS should meet future increasing customer requirements and simultaneous disproportionate increases in storage and shipping volumes while providing the option to further develop internal organizational processes, productivity and services.

The certified logistics center, built according to the gold standard of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen (the German sustainable building council (DGNB)), was completed in 2018 and has three storage units, including a dedicated area for value added services (VAS). The processing of these value added services is given special consideration in inconsoWMS’ IT control and enables the efficient and resource-optimized processing of these operational services. inconsoWMS overcomes these and other challenges that a fulfillment-specific software solution faces.

“We have found inconso to be an excellent partner to help us meet the increasing requirements of our customers in the future. We look forward to continuing our collaboration,” emphasizes Carl Azinger, Managing Director at Berger Contract Logistics.