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Apple Update iOS 18.3 fixes 29 security flaws

Apple’s recent iOS 18.3 update addresses a significant number of security vulnerabilities across many of their essential utilities such as AirPlay, Kernel, Safari, Passkeys, Accessibility and more.

Notably, in this release Apple addressed an actively exploited CoreMedia flaw that could have allowed cyber attackers to take control of targeted devices via a fake app pretending to play multimedia files, giving them access to their sensitive data.

Users that don’t update from older iOS versions remain at risk of exploitation, including unauthorised data access, financial loss, and erosion of user privacy. These vulnerabilities could allow attackers to execute arbitrary code, access sensitive or confidential information and compromise the security of both personal and corporate data.

To safeguard against these threats, we’d strongly recommend users to promptly update their devices to iOS 18.3. Regularly installing updates as they are released, ensures that devices are protected against known and new vulnerabilities – some of which could be actively exploited – maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of your information.