Warehouse Management

Warehouse Management (WMS) Systems & Software, picking, Third party logistics, Inventory control, TMS, YMS, Cross docking, Virtual Warehouse and Web based WMS for optimal stock control in the warehouse.

With SAP EWM, Pascoe and inconso Bring New Production Warehouse Up to Speed

During the construction of the new building in Gießen’s Europaviertel in Central Germany, the natural medicine manufacturer Pascoe also completed the implementation of its modern logistics IT. The building concept with which the phytopharmaceuticals specialist, in its own words, “connects worlds” combines modern software based on SAP EWM (Extended Warehouse Management) with increasing requirements for consistent quality management in the pharmaceutical industry. After the successful implementation of the system, Pascoe can now rely on a solution that is fully integrated and triggers the production and sale of herbal medicines, vitamins or dietary supplements, ensures compliance with globally valid GMPs (good manufacturing practices) and reduces operating costs.

When selecting the system, Pascoe was supported by inconso’s logistics software experts. The certified SAP partner company contributed the necessary know-how to the SAP EWM implementation and integration with the customer’s SAP ERP system. The warehouse management system in the new 3,000 m2, two-story building provides comprehensive support for operative execution as well as full transparency over stock levels and business processes. This includes the staging and picking of production components, packaging and store-in of semi-finished and finished products as well as consolidation and external shipping. The new building has room for approximately 1,500 pallet locations. The lift shelving system for small load carriers provides about 1,000 locations. With SAP EWM, Pascoe manages almost 2,000 material numbers and the processing of about 9,000 warehouse orders per month.

This successfully implemented solution supports Pascoe not only in processing logistic process structures, but also in maintaining a sustainable corporate philosophy. SAP EWM primarily favors paperless warehouse processing throughout, with paper consumption in the warehouse tending towards zero right from the start. Pascoe was the first pharmaceutical company in the world to receive FSC® certification (Forest Stewardship Council®), thus committing itself to using only paper from sustainable, responsible forestry – should a paper document be necessary.