Manufacturing Software News, Case-Study Applications, Product Information, Best-Practice and Thought-Leadership ArticlesFiskarheden chooses TimberTec for their cutting-edge sawmill operations
TimberTec announces today that Fiskarheden, one of the largest privately held sawmills in Sweden, has selected TimberTec’s TiCom ERP suite as the company evolves to meet the challenges and opportunities of an industry shift towards a sustainable net zero future.
Fiskarheden, which has a yearly production of more than 370,000 cubic meters of sawn wood, has been an Iptor customer for more than 20 years. The upgrade to TiCom ERP will continue this long-term partnership, with TimberTec creating even stronger support for Fiskarhedens business processes helping the company to achieve its ambition to develop the sustainable resource that the forest is, beyond timber, paper and energy.
Coming soon after winning Holmen, a leading supplier of high-quality products from sustainably managed forests, this success underlines TimberTec’s strategy of expanding in the Nordic timber market by leveraging Iptor’s strong regional footprint and market knowledge to build its pipeline and presence. Together with Iptor, TimberTec has been able to create a unique offering, which is now the premium ERP for the Timber industry with a leading market share of the volume sawn timber in central Europe. The project will commence in early 2023, going live later in the year, delivered by TimberTec’s Nordic organization.
Magnus Larsson, CEO of Fiskarheden Sawn Products, says, “A modern, industry specific ERP solution is fundamental to successfully managing our long-term future. The Timber industry is facing many changes and we need partners like TimberTec who understand these, and can partner with us as we strive to produce high quality, sustainable products and contribute to a cleaner planet.”
“We are delighted that Fiskarheden has decided to continue our already successful collaboration. This is a result of a long-term relationship that is always looking into the future, identifying the challenges and opportunities ahead and how we solve these. We are looking forward to continuing moving forward together”, says Kristian Niklasson, TimberTec Managing Director.