Manufacturing Software News, Case-Study Applications, Product Information, Best-Practice and Thought-Leadership ArticlesCAP & Associates Celebrates 20 Years of ERP Loyalty with Global Shop Solutions
When a business meets customer needs in a cost-effective manner year after year, their customers tend to stay with them a long time. Global Shop Solutions is a perfect example. A leading provider of ERP software for manufacturers around the world, Global Shop Solutions is proud to announce another one of their customers, CAP & Associates, Inc., recently passed the 20-year mark as a loyal customer.
A global source for retail displays, fixtures, themed environments and hospitality furnishings, CAP ran the business for many years with only an AS-400 system for invoicing and Excel spreadsheets for everything else. The lack of access to real-time data created numerous problems with inventory, purchasing, estimating and tracking costs, and other production processes. Global Shop Solutions ERP software has transformed the business over the past 20 years by providing the visibility to manage CAP’s entire production process more efficiently and effectively.
“Global Shop Solutions is a one-stop ERP solution that has everything we need all in one fully integrated system,” says Annette McLaughlin, IT Manager for CAP. “It’s easy to use, simple to navigate, and we get great support when we need it. CAP has tripled sales over the past 20 years, a rate of growth we couldn’t have achieved without a very robust ERP software behind it.”
McLaughlin also attributes CAP’s 20 years of loyalty to the service they receive from Global Shop Solutions and the people that deliver it.
“Their experienced service team and Virtual Training are two of the key reasons we’ve stayed with Global Shop Solutions,” she says. “Over the years we’ve developed relationships with many of their long-term employees who enjoy hearing from us and are quick to resolve issues. They always make us feel like a valued customer rather than just a number.”
CAP CEO Jason Prosnik agrees.
“We deal with many different vendors, and the customer support we receive from Global Shop Solutions ranks up there with the best,” he says. “In fact, I can’t think of anyone that provides a higher level of customer service and support. We consider Global Shop Solutions not just as a vendor, but a partner in our ongoing success. CAP wouldn’t be where we are today without them.”