Industry Talk

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Boxing Day sales will bring increased risk of online scams

Online retailers will be key targets for cybercriminals during Boxing Day and new year sales, with consumers desperate to cut costs amid the deepening cost-of-living crisis. These brands can earn the bulk of their annual revenue during the holiday season. This makes them a prime target for ransom DDoS attacks with cyber criminals capitalising on their need to keep websites running smoothly.

As well as an increase in attacks due to bigger ransom gains, attackers count on shoppers being vulnerable due to the speed of transactions and slipping up. Online retailers need full 360-degree visibility into all traffic across their network to detect security exploits – and they need the right solutions in place to help them respond quickly.

Heads of security should be aware of their current security posture – identifying any attack vectors and employing security solutions to resolve any vulnerabilities or other risks to the business. This will include understanding security best practices and the latest standards and regulations related to their online business. With the increase in zero-day exploits, security leads must also ensure their security solution provides the ability to make critical decisions fast to prevent any downtime. With the correct approach to cybersecurity, brands can ensure that the seasonal sales period is a success.