Mobile Computing

Mobile Computers, Handheld, Rugged, Wireless (Wi-Fi), GSM and GPRS enabled PDAs and Industrial Computers.

Renovotec launches mobile computing initiative at IntraLogisteX 2021

Supply chain hardware, software and services market leader Renovotec has chosen IntraLogisteX 2021 (Stand 306) to launch a mobile computing initiative for supply chain users. It is introducing ‘Operational Intelligence’, a smart asset management system that tracks, manages and optimises the performance of all mobile computers across an organisation, in all locations and throughout their life cycle, delivering competitive edge, reducing tech costs and streamlining IT processes say Renovotec.

The cloud-based system’s analytics provide actionable insights in real-time to avoid unnecessary spending on additional equipment and ensure that mobile devices in the field are ready for use. Operational Intelligence supports all major operating systems and mobile computing brands.

Renovotec’s initiative at the event supports a key trend as according to the latest research from analyst IDC, CIOs must: ‘Develop strategies and plans for a programmatic approach to enterprise intelligence, and begin building needed IT capabilities’*

“As they return to a pre pandemic operating environment users are looking for new ways to do more, but at lower cost” says Renovotec managing director Richard Gilliard. “Operational Intelligence meets both needs by quenching a thirst for innovation and also making more of companies’ existing investment in mobile computing.”


Event-only mobile computing offers

As part of the same mobile computing initiative, also featured on the Renovotec IntraLogisteX Stand 306 are event-only special offers on Honeywell CK65, CT40 and CT60 mobile computers [see CT40-in-warehouse image attached].

The Dolphin CK65 mobile computer boosts supply chain productivity by accelerating and error-proofing work in distribution centres and manufacturing say Honeywell. With the longest supported lifecycle, up to 28-hour battery life and best-in-class ruggedness, the CK65 maximises productive uptime while providing an easy path for users migrating from legacy Windows operating systems to the Android platform.

The Dolphin CT40, built on Android and Honeywell’s Mobility Edge platform, is a sleek, enterprise-class, full-touch device for retail, logistics and distribution applications, designed to speed workflows and also built to remain up to date over a long-life span.

Honeywell’s Dolphin CT60 mobile computer is designed for enterprises that need anywhere, anytime, real-time connectivity to business-critical applications and fast data capture capabilities in a rugged form factor, built for maximum uptime and productivity according to Honeywell. Juggling multiple devices across the enterprise introduces time- and cost- intensive complexities for enterprise IT to manage and maintain. The Dolphin CT60 is the first device to launch in a series that enables users to accelerate the provisioning, certification, and deployment of mobile solutions across the enterprise, simplify overall lifecycle management, and extend the product lifecycle.


* IDC report: ‘The CIO’s Guide to the Future of Intelligence’.