Print & Label

RFID label, Thermal Transfer Label and Barcode Printers, Star Ticket Printers, barcode generation software, POS Printers and Networked Thermal Printers, including mobile labelling technology and mobile printer applications.

Barnsley NHS Foundation Trust selects Lexmark as its supplier of choice for Managed Print Services

Lexmark, a global imaging solutions leader, today announced that it has been chosen by Barnsley NHS Foundation Trust (BHFT) as its supplier of choice for Managed Print Services (MPS).

BHFT is among the leading NHS trusts in the country. The 350+ bed hospital was built in the 1970s and serves a population of over a quarter of a million people in the Barnsley area.Lexmark will initially introduce a flexible smart MPS platform to enable future digital transformation strategies. This project supports the NHS’s drive towards interoperability and paperlite working environments, whilst maintaining the need to use resources efficiently and effectively.

“Lexmark was a clear leader in our review of the market. They have extensive experience of the NHS and the bespoke nature of our organisational needs. With the NHS in a state of complex structural change and ever-increasing demand on resources, it was imperative we chose a partner that could be flexible and work within a constantly changing environment.” Commented Tom Davidson Director ICT at Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust “BHFT are also looking to rise to the challenge of a ‘Greener NHS’ so there was a need to select a partner who is equally committed and have the credentials to help. Lexmark is a circular economy leader and actively participates in a number of relevant CSR initiatives.”

Initially Lexmark will help the trust rationalise and optimise their printer estate in order to deliver cash releasing savings from the outset, they then plan to work in partnership to review further initiatives that deliver value to BHFT over the term of the contract.

Data and information are both critical for managing quality and efficiency performance across the care pathway. It goes without saying that information continuity is crucial, but technology disruptions are all too common and can keep clinicians from performing their primary tasks: providing the highest level of patient care possible. Lexmark Healthcare’s Downtime Assistant solution will help BHFT maintain continuity, even when systems or networks are down. Whether infrastructure is out of service for routine maintenance or the downtime is unplanned, the Lexmark Downtime Assistant will enable BHFT clinical staff to keep providing care to their patients.

To correctly manage quality and efficiency on a regular basis, seamless real-time data is needed, which requires investment in interoperable information technology. Lexmark printers and multifunction products (MFPs) are equipped with sensors that enable them to collect millions of alerts and data points. This enormous repository of data enables Lexmark to perform analytics which will benefit BHFT by providing rich benchmarking data to create the ideal fleet design, eliminating downtime and manual intervention with predictive service, as well as providing great insight for continuous improvement.

“Best practice MPS is not just about multifunctional devices and printers; it’s really about the staff and how they can become more effective. With Lexmark MPS, our devices become productivity tools for better information access and more productive processes,” commented Chris Price, Business Development Manager Lexmark Global Services, UK & Ireland. “Lexmark has been at the leading edge of MPS for many years. Our Healthcare customers work closely with us to review where they can drive out their reliance on paper and digitise work-flows which in turn improve staff experience and patient care.”