Warehouse Management

Warehouse Management (WMS) Systems & Software, picking, Third party logistics, Inventory control, TMS, YMS, Cross docking, Virtual Warehouse and Web based WMS for optimal stock control in the warehouse.

inconso and Zalando continue their collaboration

The logistics software specialist inconso, part of the Business Area Körber Supply Chain, supports Zalando’s logistics center in Lodz, Poland with highly automated system components for managing IT processes.

The logistics center was equipped with a four-aisle shuttle for over 6,000 containers and 35 km of conveyor technology. inconsoWCS (Warehouse Control System) is inconso’s innovative solution for controlling logistics and proof of the company’s expertise in seamless integration. The solution enables supplier-independent material flow control and comprehensive optimization strategies for dynamic internal transport control, interleaving or the sequencing of partial orders. In addition, inconsoWCS creates modern technology standards for the processing approximately 1.7 million telegrams per hour in order to fulfill the demanding logistic processing requirements of e-commerce.

“On our 130,000 m2 premises, we need powerful solutions for smooth logistics processing,” Rudolf Pulkenat, Lead Warehouse Facilities Engineering at Zalando, emphasizes. “We found a suitable partner in inconso to help us implement a system with synchronized components that interact in complex ways. The implementation of modern solutions like inconsoWCS enables us to respond to growing logistics challenges.

inconsoWCS also supports Zalando in Olsztynek and in the 130,000 m2 logistics center in Nogarole Rocca near Verona.