Supply Chain (SCM/SCE)

Supply Chain Management (SCM) Software, Supply Chain Optimisation, Supply Chain Execution, hardware transport, supply-chain, distribution software, freight software and load planning in manufacturing and supply chain applications.

MULTIVAC receives the Axia Best Managed Companies Award 2020

MULTIVAC is a winner of the Axia Best Managed Companies Award 2020, a seal of approval that is awarded by Deloitte, WirtschaftsWoche, Credit Suisse and BDI to companies, which are judged to be outstandingly well managed. Christian Traumann, Group President of MULTIVAC, accepted the award yesterday in Munich.

Medium-sized companies are extremely important to the German economy. The Axia Best Managed Companies Award gives recognition to those medium-sized or family-owned companies based in Germany, which are judged to have exemplary management. The participating companies were able to qualify for the award through a multi-stage process. The evaluation was based on the four core areas of Strategy, Productivity & Innovation, Culture & Commitment, and Finances & Governance. The prize winners were then selected by a jury, consisting of well-known representatives from commerce, science and the media.

“As one of the prize winners, MULTIVAC impressed the judges with its first-class company management – thanks to its great strength of innovation, its long-term strategic aims, and its very strong governance structures. MULTIVAC is therefore not only the benchmark for outstandingly well managed medium-sized companies, it is also emblematic of the future of Germany as a major economic centre,” emphasizes Lutz Meyer, Partner and Head of the Program for Medium-Sized Enterprises at Deloitte.

“We are constantly striving to further optimise our business processes, and to align our range of products and services ever closer to the current requirements of the market and our customers,” said Christian Traumann, Group President of MULTIVAC. “The award is therefore very pleasing as confirmation of our company strategy and the efforts of all our staff.”

Christian Traumann also stated, that a fundamental factor in the company’s success was the wide product range, which is constantly being adapted to the needs of the marketplace, and which extends from individual machines for small handcraft companies to fully automated production lines. These include solutions for a wide spectrum of applications – from food processing and packaging through to medical products and industrial items. The success of MULTIVAC is also founded on the international nature of the company. Thanks to its 87 subsidiaries throughout the world, MULTIVAC is not only able to stay closer to its customers and guarantee shorter delivery times, but also compensate for economic risks in some regions with new opportunities in others. And last but not least, as Christian Traumann summarised in conclusion, the high level of in-house vertical manufacturing also makes a major contribution to the company’s success.

 The Axia Best Managed Companies (BMC) Program is a competition organised by Deloitte, WirtschaftsWoche, Credit Suisse and BDI in Germany, and it is a seal of approval for medium-sized companies. The vision is to build up a national and global structure of outstandingly well managed medium-sized companies. A significant and unique feature of the BMC is its international character: it was founded in the 1990’s by Deloitte in Canada, and it has since been introduced successfully in more than 20 countries.