Automation & Digital Transformation

Automatic equipment in a manufacturing, warehousing and distribution, Industrial and Autonomous research robots, Robotic process automation (RPA) and other processes or facilities.

Mindtree Named a Market Leader in Digital Business Solutions and Services by ISG

Mindtree, a leading digital transformation and technology services company, today announces it has been recognised as a market leader in digital business solutions in the U.S. by Information Services Group (ISG), a leading global technology research and advisory firm.

According to the ISG Provider Lens™ Digital Business Solutions and Services Report for the U.S., Mindtree was among the leading providers in Digital Backbone Managed Services (Midmarket), and Digital Product Lifecycle Services (Midmarket).

“Customer experience is a prominent point of discussion for every business,” said Jan Erik Aase, Director and Global Leader, ISG Provider Lens Research. “By using leading vendors to understand customer behaviors, leading companies can design interactions that influence the customer decision to buy or commit to a brand.”

The ISG report noted that Mindtree offers “smart services based on robust tools, including AI and analytics, to provide a streamlined digital backbone.”

“Our strong ability in understanding customer challenges backed by our deep expertise in applying digital technologies effectively to address those problems, have enabled us to deliver meaningful business outcomes for our customers said Sreedhar Bhagavatheeswaran, Senior Vice President and Global Head of Digital Business at Mindtree. “This recognition from ISG demonstrates that Mindtree’s deep investment in customer relationships and collaboration efforts is truly a key differentiator in the market.”

The ISG Provider Lens™ Digital Business Solutions and Services Report for the U.S. outlines the capabilities of 39 of providers across seven quadrants. The series draws insights on service provider capabilities from focused surveys, briefings, interviews with providers, input from ISG advisors, ISG benchmarking data, and data drawn from the ISG Contracts Knowledgebase™ and ISG Engagement Database™.  The series is a complement to the ISG Provider Lens Archetype reports, which offer a first-of-its-kind evaluation of providers from the perspective of specific buyer types.

You can view the complete report here.