Industry Talk

Regular Industry Development Updates, Opinions and Talking Points relating to Manufacturing, the Supply Chain and Logistics.

4 things that will change logistics business development

Times are challenging for logistics providers as freight volumes have enormously dropped due to the coronavirus and the future looks uncertain. Naturally companies are changing their structures and adapting to the current circumstances which will lead to further optimization of processes. In logistics this is definitely digitization which has been long overdue in logistics and which will now take the industry by storm.

4 things carriers need to be really serious about if they want to take their commercial activities to the next level.


  1. Social media

Having a strong online presence, an ability to generate meaningful content, and the ability to reach the right audience online is what carriers need to focus on. Shippers do their research online and not in face to face meetings. Profile yourself correctly so that your future customer can easily find you online!

  1. Online communication tools

Zoom is here as you noticed. Just like Skype, Bluejeans, Webex and Gotomeeting and they are here to stay. Regard physical meetings as a thing of the past and not as a must to win business. Carriers have been telling themselves too long that it’s all about the relationship. Maybe true but less and less in the sales process of today and tomorrow.

  1. Integration of Account Management, Sales & Pricing

With the online revolution which the coronavirus has created, these three disciplines will move online as well and will merge more and more into 1 function. It means more efficiency, a faster and more centralized response to the customer and a lower cost of commercial activity for the carrier as a whole. CRM’s, sales pipeline software and rate databases are a must here.

  1. Platforms

As shippers are going increasingly online while relying on tender providers to find new carriers, next to using freight exchanges, a new breed of platforms will also see the light of day. A tender exchange for example. Where carriers find tenders and where shippers find new carriers. Based on algorithms without human interference profiles can be easily matched.

The airline and hotel industry for long have well understood that being online, automated with fully digitized back-end processes is the way to survive and thrive. Now it is the time of the logistics industry to make it happen!

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